Sunday, July 1, 2007

It's all over but the...

So, it's all over now. Feeling good about this, but it won't really have sunk in until Tuesday because I'm still technically on a weekend. A long one (it's Canada Day), but a weekend nonetheless. In four sleeps we're off to Ontario. Can't wait to get there. My parents will be renewing their vows to celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary. I'll probably be singing with Sara. It's kinda wierd to think of my parents doing that. They didn't seem like the type.

For the week there, the kids will be off to Day Camp - YES !! Even Zoë! YES!! YES!! YES!! They are all very excited about that - especially Zoë. It'll be her first time off alone like that. I'm sure she'll have a lot to tell us every day.

So, I'll try to keep up on what's what and what's happening over the holidays, even though nobody's reading this. It might just be fun to know.

P.S. I played the Strat at church again this week. Lots of people really liked it and encourage me to do even more lead stuff. Sounds good to me. For the second meeting, we had a full band. That was wonderful!! Bass, drums, piano, 3 singers, rythum and lead guitars!! WOW!! I'm going to have to practise a bit more to be really good and to put together some real arrangements. We'll keep you posted.

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